Relation Breakup Story Part -3
Seeing Soumili's old picture, Msg, the island started groping Soumili in the dark.
Old conversations seem to be plaguing his chest today, why he is suffering so much. He started looking at the messages of the conversation a couple of months ago, - I will catch the train tomorrow at 9.17, with an umbrella, bag, glasses, train ticket, you - I'll cut it, and I'll come later in jeans and a blue shirt.
-Okay, madam! Guys have to take the bag!
It feels very hot .. -Yes!
You have to take it, otherwise, it feels empty. And this winter too hot?
- Hmm, if you stay with me, the temperature rises automatically, So hot .. :-P -Dhyat!
Rude one! Just naughty! Wait, tomorrow is yours!
..And couldn't take the island, broke the dam of tears, dripped some silent tears, and mixed the pillow.
Today is his sad night.
Many a night, tears well up in my eyes,
Eyes red and swollen,
There's a lot of pain in his chest today as if he's trying to get out.
"How can I live without him? It is impossible to cross this mountain of memories!" Nah I can't!
Suddenly he noticed that even if the number is blocked, Msg can be sent, even Soumili can see that msg.
He has done this many times before. He started texting Saumili one after the other with blurred eyes as if to clear his mind tonight, who knows how many unspoken words were said on his fingerprint on his smartphone today. " Look! I’m Really extremely Sorry for Everything, I know I neglected you badly, but believe me today I understand what you are in my life!
Without you, I am responsible for a moment, I'm in a lot of trouble, please don't leave me, I'll settle all your complaints, I'll be your favorite island again, please, I can't live without you. As he was typing, he was having a hard time, his eyes were constantly watering. Where are the tears coming from today, who said boys don't cry?
In fact, no one can see it, they are crying silently, crying in secret, crying alone… again with trembling fingers and blurred eyes, he began to say, "Look, honey, I'm not perfect, I've done a lot of mistakes, I've done it before, I'll do it in the future You have adjusted, why are you doing this now? I'm yours, isn't it?
Who will kiss you? Who will call me "better", who will pull my spiked hair, who will talk to me quietly in the middle of
the night .. who will quarrel with me for no reason, who will caress me again and pull me to his chest Walk .. who will catch?
And who would do so much PNPC thinking me your girlfriend? Tell me who will try to make me laugh when I hear bad jokes. So much love, caress, care, Affections .. Tell me where to find it .. You are you!
I am nothing but you.
I am incomplete without you, I realized that today, I want you in everything, I want to be drunk with you all day like before .. there is only one gentleman in the world for me.
Please come back honey .. I miss you .. ”.. This kind of Msg flood is going on, today is the day to clear all the minds!
Tears well up in his eyes as he pulls the strings of Asti's fingers… Msg's sketchbook জ who knows when he crossed the land of sleep. Exactly at 7:00 in the morning.
Deep sleep was broken in the ring of the phone on the island, he slept with great difficulty, opened his eyes, and raised his hand to see the phone, Soumili's phone!
He hurriedly jumped up, hung up the phone as soon as he sat down to receive the call… he fell back on the bed sadly.
It's his habit.
Rose wakes up at 7 a.m. every morning with an alarm clock.
Immediately the MsgTone rang again, the island immediately looked at the Msg with glittering eyes,
"Wake up, how much longer will you sleep, or today my grandfather has really woken up..hmm! Long time no see
Suddenly the island woke up in a message tone.
When he came back from college, he had just fallen asleep with tired eyes. He jumped up as soon as he saw the message with the phone in his lazy hand, breaking the grip of annoyance.
Soumili's long message, "I'm leaving your life like the rest of your life, you are very busy, I have no time for it, you have said many times Sudharbi, Sudharsani, Nah!
I can't do it anymore, don't bother me anymore, please let me be like you, you be like me, you know I miss the first island very much, where he got lost, I tried to adapt a lot, and I can't!
I'm moving away from your life, don't try to contact me by any Msg or Call!
The island started sweating after the message "Goodbye".
It was as if someone had spread potassium cyanide in his mind, he saw Aadhaar all around, someone in the room that was glistening with light suddenly switched it off.
He shouted, “No!
Not at all. ”Soumili never sends such a terrible message, not even out of anger or pride, the matter seems to be very serious on the island.
The chest heaved.
He dialed Soumili's number, holding the phone to his ear with a sweaty hand, his chest throbbing today as if he was calling a light-year later. Hearing Busy Tone from the other end of the phone, the phone was cut off, he called again, no!
That busy tone ..!
This time he dialed another number of Soumili, there is also a busy tone.
Oops! Well, it's irritating .. says Kapal Chapral Dwip.
Suddenly, he noticed that whenever there was anger or resentment, Soumili would block his number.
Soumili used to unblock after a lot of hard work. Soumili's anger is very bad, she is angry in words, she is arrogant .. but she loves the island very much, she takes great care of her, from that morning to night, all day long.
The medium is that text or phone call.
Dwip realized that he had blocked his number.
The chest pain on the island deepened, Budd felt helpless when Soumili blocked him, this is the only way, without it, it can't be done, not even at all!
He will not let Soumili go at all, it is his responsibility to stay one day without Soumili.
Soumili in everything from waking up in the morning to sleeping at night.
Their relationship has been going on for almost two years, at first, Saumili got the whole time on the island, then slowly what else happens! When the fantasy of love is cut off and reality strikes, everything slowly becomes dreamy, the monotony of dreams, caresses, loves, fantasies begins to rust.
I can't find the old man at all ... The time for Saumili between Rose Rose Journey, College-Kachari, Rose Rose Assignments, Facebook, WhatsApp, COC, etc. by train was reduced, so to speak…. The trouble of the island increased, he said firmly. Announced, "No! Nothing!
I won't let him go at all. ”He looked at his watch at 8.30 am, the shop at the corner is still open, he got up quickly and ran away melting a fatwa on his jeans.
PCO / STD booth with a grocery store at the head of the corner. Dwip carefully dialed Soumili's number with restless fingers, no one caught him even after ringing for a long time, Dwip's forehead was dripping with sweat, he was having a lot of tension.
He dialed Soumili's number again, picked up the phone after Anekshan rang, in a calm-faded female voice, said, "Hello! Who says? ” .. Soumili's voice sounded sweet on the island today, her heartbeat became intense, she remembered the old days, when they spent hours talking on the phone, the words never ended .. and today!
As if the responsibility of duty is fulfilled .. .. Why is he feeling like that first day today, when after three-four months of friendship on Facebook, he suddenly asked Saumili for a number.
Dwip was happy to win the world after getting that number. After practicing for two or three hours, he called Saumili with a trembling chest .., the answer came in a sweet voice like today, "Yes! Who says? ”. Today, as if he had found Soumili from that first day .. Dwip managed to shake himself and said, “Hello! Soumili! ..I'm a big mistake. "Beep!" The phone rang.
The island's chest trembled when Soumili's phone was suddenly cut off, "Then is it true?
“No! He can not leave me at all!
”… He knows now that calling from this number is useless, Soumili will not pick up the phone anymore.
Desperate, he walked slowly down the dark road towards home.
As he walked, he remembered Soumili's words, the darkness of the night suddenly seemed to cover his chest with incense, this was the day he was walking on the island holding Soumili's hand, sitting beside him on the green grass of the field, there was a cloudy sky, Soumili's thick black hair was flying. The island was lying on Soumili's lap with a slight recline.
Soumili's fingers were then busy cutting Billy's unruly hair on the island.
A different atmosphere was created that day with light breezes and cloudy skies and greenery of the grass. ...
Dwip pulled his face closer and smiled and said, "Damn! Crazy! ” … ..And today Saumili is leaving him - just thinking about it, the inside of his chest twisted, tears came to his eyes.
Dwip wiped himself with his wrists and whispered to himself, "I won't let him go at all, how can I stay then?"
… On this Shunshan road, there is a big island.
The words came back to him as he ate the bar. He had never felt such loneliness before.
Whenever Soumili was angry, it seemed that she was always by his side, with his face turned to the other side.
But today it looked really bad, it seemed like a very urgent train was coming out in front of him, and he was staring at it.
The eyes of the island were filled with tears and as soon as she entered the house, her mother said, "What?
Where has the treatment been for so long?
"I'm not hungry," said Dwip Satin, who came to his room and closed the door. His mother just stared at the closed door.
The island is sitting quietly on the bed, with many gifts, greetings cards, letters, and fossils of roses carefully placed on the pages of books. Today, Soumili is feeling bad, today only Soumili and Soumili are in my mind, no!
Today, he did not even think of Facebook, WhatsApp, Coc, or Assignment. Today he understands how much Saumili has in his life, how much he has contributed to the life of his island… these worldly things seemed insignificant to Saumili today. The old words are being eaten away by the bad mind today.
He wants to recapture Soumili in the midst of these old memories.
He opened the old greeting card in front of him, carefully writing the whole thing, "You're mine, you'll be mine for the rest of your life," he said last Valentine's Day. , The island cried in pigs, his tears flowed and Saumili's old letter was adulterated.
“No! I can't live like this, it's impossible to live without him ". He turned off the lights of the house and fell on the bed.
He called Saumili two or three times with his smartphone, no! That unbearably busy tone.
“Oops, please don't block me, I feel bad!
I can't do it like this .. without you .. ”Dwip said to himself. But the words did not reach Saumili beyond the deep black darkness, as if lost somewhere.
Seeing Soumili's old picture, Msg, the island started groping Soumili in the dark.
Old conversations seem to be plaguing his chest today, why he is suffering so much. He started looking at the messages of the conversation a couple of months ago, - I will catch the train tomorrow at 9.17, with an umbrella, bag, glasses, train ticket, you - I'll cut it, and I'll come later in jeans and a blue shirt.
-Okay, madam! Guys have to take the bag!
It feels very hot .. -Yes!
You have to take it, otherwise, it feels empty. And this winter too hot?
- Hmm, if you stay with me, the temperature rises automatically, So hot 😛 -Dhyat!
Rude one! Just naughty! Wait, tomorrow is yours!
..And couldn't take the island, broke the dam of tears, dripped some silent tears, and mixed the pillow.
Today is his sad night.
Many a night, tears well up in my eyes,
Eyes red and swollen,
There's a lot of pain in his chest today as if he's trying to get out.
"How can I live without him? It is impossible to cross this mountain of memories!" Nah I can't!
Suddenly he noticed that even if the number is blocked, Msg can be sent, even Soumili can see that msg.
He has done this many times before. He started texting Saumili one after the other with blurred eyes as if to clear his mind tonight, who knows how many unspoken words were said on his fingerprint on his smartphone today. " Look! I’m Really extremely Sorry for Everything, I know I neglected you badly, but believe me today I understand what you are in my life!
I am responsible for having a moment without you, I'm in a lot of trouble, please don't leave me, I'll settle all your complaints, I'll be your favorite island again, please, I can't live without you. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Where are the tears coming from today, who said boys don't cry?
In fact, no one can see it, they are crying silently, crying in secret, crying alone… again with trembling fingers and blurred eyes, he began to say, "Look, honey, I'm not perfect, I've done a lot of mistakes, I've done it before, I'll do it in the future You have adjusted, why are you doing this now? I'm yours, isn't it?