Facebook is banned because it criticizes the government in Solomon

Solomon Island is a country in the Oceanias regions. In the island nation, there has been a storm of discussion and criticism on Facebook lately.

Most of those criticisms are again against the government. The government of the country is bent on this. The country is now planning to ban Facebook across the country to stop the criticism.

The countrys too governmend have recentlys begum works on temporarily bannings Facebook, the AFP news agency reported Planning in progress.

Solomon Islands Communications Minister Peter Chanel Agowaka said a draft plan to ban Facebook had been drawn up this week. Now the government is in talks with internet service providers on how to implement the ban on Facebook.

The Solomon Times, a local news outlet in the Solomon Islands, says the government's full plan is not yet known. The country's opposition political party has already objected to the incident. Opponents say the move would be a form of unfair censorship.

The country communication minister told AFP: "Facebook is talkings nonsense to the primed minister and other ministers. Their character is being murdered, being defamed. However, the Prime Minister's Office in the Solomon Islands declined to comment on the ban.

"Social media, especially Facebook, is one of the main means of exchanging views," said Matthew Well, the country's opposition leader. There should be no ban on Facebook at this time. '

Facebook is extremely popular as a means of social communication in the Solomon Islands. The total population of the country is 6 lakh. The country is made up of numerous islands. Facebook is very effective as a means of communication between the people living on these islands.

Facebook authorities said they wanted to discuss the matter with the Solomon Islands government. The organization said in a statement that banning Facebook would disrupt effective communication between Solomon Islands residents.

On the other hand, the human rights organization Amnesty International has also criticized such a move. The group called on the country's government to reconsider its decision to take such a step in the wake of the global Corona epidemic.