Its name is love story:
There was a forest flower in the secluded forest. He was lonely. He used to spend all day alone. The pain of loneliness is cruel and hard to bear. In such cruel cruelty of solitude, Baneful used to hate life.
Then, one day, in the softness of a falling afternoon, I met a butterfly of wildflowers. The color of the butterfly's wings was blue, and the blue wings were scattered with different colors.
Bonaful was looking at the butterfly in fascination, but could not look back. The seeds of love germinate in the mind of the forest flower at first sight. Butterflies looked at Bonaful with such amazement and said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Hearing the melodious voice of the butterfly, Baneful loses the power to speak and looks at the butterfly-like a fool. The butterfly left without any answer.
Meanwhile, as the evening drew to a close, night fell, and the moon appeared with a smile. Bonaful can't forget about butterflies. The image of a butterfly floated in front of his eyes, again and again, his melodious voice echoing through the corn, creating various thoughts in his mind.
Butterflies and wildflowers come to mind again and again. He is smiling alone thinking that he is a foolish face of Baneful. No one slept that night.
Very early in the morning, the butterfly comes small to the forest flower. Seeing the butterfly, Bonaful said in a haughty tone, "Why is it so late to come? Since when have I been waiting." Bountiful is speaking fluently, asking question after question.
Butterflies are not saying anything, smiling, and watching the movement of wildflowers. When the basket of wildflowers became a little lighter, the butterfly said, "You can talk so much! You can ask so many questions! I can't answer so many of your questions, listen to what I'm saying - I'm too much for you.
Love, you know, I couldn't sleep thinking about you all night, Bonaful.
Truly, I have fallen in love with you. "Bonaful hugged the butterfly without saying anything.
Butterflies used to come to the forest flower every day. The two used to talk all day. They were spending their days laughing and laughing. One day the word became night, the butterfly stayed near the forest flower.
The butterfly fell asleep with its head on the chest of the forest flower. Suddenly a heavy storm-rain woke them up. The butterfly was very scared, so the wildflower hugged him.
It is raining heavily, the wildflowers are soaking wet, but the butterflies are not so wet. Suddenly a tree branch fell on the head of a forest flower. Baneful pushed the butterfly away.
Bona didn't have a chance to say anything anymore, he had to leave his beloved country without leaving.
After a while the storm stopped, the butterfly pulled out the lifeless body of the wildflower with great difficulty from under the branches of the tree.
The butterfly cried a lot and hugged the lifeless body of the forest flower that day. The weeping butterfly still remembers the forest flower, still searching for the memory of the forest flower in the crowd of green leaves.
your story is good I hope you will post better stories for us. Thank you very much.